Barlea demo overview


Admin Pages

Provide admin functions for creating new accounts as admin, creator, or subject.

Allows maintenance of blockchain records.

Note, that all changes made by the admin are stored permanently in the blockchain, like any other changes made by other users. No one can modify the chain without leaving a fingerprint.

Company Pages

Login with a creator account to go to company pages.

Active Documents

List documents created by company, the two icons on the right of each document are, in order:

1.       Edit the document to update the name, file name, file type, or purpose in the current implementation. Other document-related fields, including the uploaded file, can also be edited if required by the use case.

2.       View the document to view the history of changes.

Revoked Documents

List documents that have been revoked by subject right of each document are, in order:

1.       Edit the document to update the name, file name, file type, or purpose in the current implementation. Other document-related fields, including the uploaded file, can also be edited if required by the use case.

2.       View the document to view the history of changes.


Lists the subjects available to this company. At the moment there are not any functions related to subjects.

Add Document button

Allows a document to be added to the document list.

Document subject is taken from the list of subjects on the subject menu tab above.

The name, file name, file type, and purpose fields are for identification. They can contain any values the document creator wants to use (for now, constraints and auto-fill can be added as needed).

Document Image allows you to select a document on your local file system. When [Add Document] is clicked at the bottom of this page the file is hashed (hash uses company id, subject id and document to form hash, all have to be present to verify the document).


Log in as a subject user. Subject views list of documents related to them.

Active Documents

The list of documents where logged in user is the subject. There are three icons to the right of the document description. These are, in order:

1.       Certify a document to test the authenticity of a document. The subject must select the company that created the document and the same binary file that was used to create the document. The document is tested, and the subject is informed if the document they have is authentic.

2.       View document history.

3.       Remove the subject from the document.

Tests for authenticity are added to the document history. In the current implementation, the status of the document verification is not stored but will be in future changes to the chain code.

Active Companies

The list of companies that could reference the subject in created documents.

Typical Use Case

1.       Admin creates a company account and subject accounts

2.       Logout of admin and into company account

3.       Create a document

4.       Logout of the company page

5.       Log in as the subject of the document created in the previous step

6.       Verify document

7.       Look at document's history


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